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(1 edit)

Always wanted to package up my games into boxes but havent got round to it. And had never thought of creating a manual for them, but this is a genius idea. Love it so much. Will now look into packing mine again … and really do it this time ;) Gives me that feeling I used to get opening up an old Atari 2600 game :)


Hey you should check out what Taxicomics created over on their itch page. It could also help you out! 

Oh wow, now I have a good reason to get a new printer ;)

Weird how a new printer is cheaper than buying the ink cartridges for printers. But I look forward to seeing what you create!

It's super cute :)) Thank you for this resource!

You're welcome!

This is very cool :) I love creating boxes and manuals for games, but I seldom do it. This is an encouragement to do it more often. Thanks!


I am glad it's spurred something in you to create!