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Hey this game is pretty cool!

It's very short and simplistic in the best way possible. I've never seen quite a spin on Minesweeper before, with the quick turn-based battle if you hit an enemy. And the cherry on top is the gems you mine helping you out in battle - very creative and unique touch. And I'm always a sucker for the retro music and art style... Great work!

What an awesome review! Thank you so much! I did try to make a different type of minesweeper even though it's still minesweeper. I'm glad you enjoyed the music because I have no background in music haha.

Glad to see you on!

I love the theme of the game and the artwork.

Thanks! Yeah I made it a "reward" scenario that if I convince myself to finish the game I deserve to have an page for it haha.

Really love this Minesweeper x Pokemon Game

Hey Bucks! Thank you! I am glad you enjoy it.

Really enjoy this take on Minesweeper!! Phenomenal work!!

That's quite a compliment! I appreciate that! Thanks!

That's so cool! Clever modification of the classic idea.

Thank you!